Inclusive Language Best Practice Guide

Language is an incredibly powerful tool that connects us, allowing us to express ourselves and develop a deeper understanding of the world and people around us. It binds us together as humans, and what we say holds as much weight as our actions.

In the workplace, using inclusive language becomes even more crucial. A healthy and thriving workplace consists of individuals with diverse skills, backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. Therefore, the language we use should embody dignity, compassion, and humanity.

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We believe that embracing inclusive language is not only a step towards encouraging diversity, equity, and inclusion, but also a way to strengthen teamwork, productivity, and a healthy workplace culture. By choosing our words thoughtfully and inclusively, we can create an environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

We all play a role in DEI, and by being mindful of our language choices we can create an environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

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